Monday, 29 July 2013

A message from Bill Gaw

Here's a message from Bill Gaw, author of Back to Basics...

Hi, Bill Gaw here.

My book, "Back to Basics: How the 8-Basics of Kaizen Based Lean manufacturing Turned a Failing Plant into a Success Story" is on its way to the top at Amazon.

Unbelievable? No, it is a great book and it is being promoted by people like you. You have given the book a great kick-start towards going viral. It is now at position 14 of 40734 books in an "lean manufacturing" book search. Quite an achievement... but not yet viral. With your continued help, we can get it to go viral and to position number one.

I truly believe that this book will help individuals improve their job security and employability and help companies become more competitive. Based on the book reviews, readers agree. (Ten 5-star reviews)

To deliver a major impact, the book needs to go viral, and for the book to go viral, I'll need your help. If you haven't yet purchased the book, please take a few minutes and order your copy now.

It's available from at a discount price of only $13.95 (£10). To order it, simply click on the below link or copy and paste it into your browser and click on go:

And even more important is for you to continue to help with the promotion of the book. Be sure to send a copy of this email to your colleagues/business associates.

They'll be glad you did.

Again, thanks in advance for your continued support.

Have a nice day,


Friday, 5 July 2013

The Business Cohesion Model

Roger Payne's new book is due for imminent release.

This thought provoking book challenges leaders to think and take action if they are to improve the offering and performance of their organisation... it should be read and acted on by every Chief Executive and their senior leadership teams.

Howard Betts
Centre for Leadership Studies
Exeter University

What is The Business Cohesion Model? It is a concept based on the basic premise that no individual is perfect. Thus, all organisations are made up of imperfect people. The imperfections vary and have different effects on the performance of the business. The aim of The Business Cohesion Model is to minimise these organisational imperfections by aligning people and teams within the brand.

If you agree with the imperfection argument, then you have taken the first step in addressing what is necessary for an organisation to achieve optimum brand performance. Everybody, irrespective of their position or status, has a duty and responsibility to develop, deliver and sustain the brand offering of the business.

The Business Cohesion Model takes you through a sequence of topics, each encouraging you to think about the different issues that face your business. It will challenge and test any preconceived beliefs, values and operational standards, so be prepared, and willing, to follow your instincts as you develop your own ideas and your own Business Cohesion.

The Business Cohesion Model will be available from the 15th July from all good book shops at £19.99.