Tuesday, 3 December 2013

CGW Publishing to Launch Time Travel Delivery Service

In order to upstage Amazon's bizarre drone powered delivery plans, CGW Publishing has announced its new time travel delivery service.

The new service works by delivering the book before the customer has bought it, so from their point of view, the book arrives at the instant they complete the transaction.

The high cost of the technology required is offset by the use of cheap delivery labour, using the existing network of canals and narrowboats, the pony express and boy scouts.

When a customer orders a book, it is sent back in time to the most cost effective delivery point and transported to the customer's location where it then waits in secure storage for the customer to order it, at which time it is then posted through the customer's letter box.

The new service is currently being trialled in 1973, and will be available worldwide as from yesterday.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Special Christmas Offers on Books

Here are three special offers on Peter Freeth's books for Christmas - half price (plus a contribution towards shipping costs):

Genius at Work
Cover price £20

Shipping options

The NLP Practitioner Manual
Cover price £25

Shipping options

The NLP Master Practitioner Manual
Cover price £25

Shipping options

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

New Review for Genius at Work

Genius at Work takes a fresh look at how to build an effective and committed workforce. Through relevant case studies Peter Freeth illustrates a sensible and engaging way to maximise the existing talent within an organisation rather than relying on the constantly changing trends of business and talent management theories.

The theories and case studies Peter uses in his book demonstrate to be highly practical with a very positive impact and outcome. I would recommend any HR professional who is looking for insight into building a talent management strategy to read Genius at Work.

Andrew Howatson, Head of Talent Acquisition, AOL Europe

Will Greenwood, rugby star, talks about Paul Boross' latest book Pitch Up!

Friday, 18 October 2013

New Book Translations Coming Soon

Here's some exciting news about our books - well, it's exciting for us, anyway.

Firstly, a number of our books are going to be translated into Russian and recorded as audiobooks for distribution via Loudbook. Hopefully we'll also be releasing them as printed books in Russian too.

Secondly, two of Peter Freeth's books are going to be translated into Italian and distributed by PNLeCoaching.

I'll update you again when they're available to buy.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Landing an Executive Position: Proven Job Search Strategies That Win Offers by Beverly Harvey

Today's executive job market is fiercely competitive, and executives must market their value to organizations using a diverse range of channels and tactics.

In this book, executive career expert Beverly Harvey gives you a simple, proven, step-by-step approach to:

» Recognize why the job search strategy you used five years ago doesn't work in today’s market
» Create a job search strategy based on your unique aspirations
» Identify your personal brand and value proposition
» Launch an effective job search campaign
» Understand and pursuing the hidden job market
» Design a strategy to leverage your network
» Build an online presence that attracts the right recruiters and decision makers
» Prepare responses to tough interview questions
» Plan for persuasive compensation negotiations
» Get off to a roaring start in your new position

Beverly Harvey is a recognized leader in executive career management. She has contributed to 23 executive career books, has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, and regularly presents corporate workshops for C-level executives.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

mcommerce by Rupert Potter

Rupert Potter's first book, mcommerce, is now in print and can be ordered from any good book store.

Mcommerce is quickly gaining traction, with many recent surveys predicting that growth to continue. However, for many organisations, it is little understood.

For example, what is the difference between mcommerce and ‘ecommerce on a mobile device’? When should a browser based solution be used and when should an app be used? Should a solution include a digital wallet? And, if so, what type of wallet?

Too many organisations are trying to develop and implement an mcommerce strategy without an understanding of the basic building blocks, and they are being left behind by those who already have an effective strategy in place.

This book will help anyone in any organisation that sells goods or services to consumers and is considering doing so over the mobile channel. People involved in digital strategy, marketing and in designing sales processes will benefit from this book. Although the book is not technical, IT professionals will benefit by understanding what their technology must achieve and why.

The author is a genuine practitioner. In this book he breaks mcommerce down into its fundamental components and offers a practical guide to developing and implementing a successful mcommerce strategy.

ISBN 9781908293275

Monday, 29 July 2013

A message from Bill Gaw

Here's a message from Bill Gaw, author of Back to Basics...

Hi, Bill Gaw here.

My book, "Back to Basics: How the 8-Basics of Kaizen Based Lean manufacturing Turned a Failing Plant into a Success Story" is on its way to the top at Amazon.

Unbelievable? No, it is a great book and it is being promoted by people like you. You have given the book a great kick-start towards going viral. It is now at position 14 of 40734 books in an Amazon.com "lean manufacturing" book search. Quite an achievement... but not yet viral. With your continued help, we can get it to go viral and to position number one.

I truly believe that this book will help individuals improve their job security and employability and help companies become more competitive. Based on the book reviews, readers agree. (Ten 5-star reviews)

To deliver a major impact, the book needs to go viral, and for the book to go viral, I'll need your help. If you haven't yet purchased the book, please take a few minutes and order your copy now.

It's available from Amazon.com at a discount price of only $13.95 (£10). To order it, simply click on the below link or copy and paste it into your browser and click on go:



And even more important is for you to continue to help with the promotion of the book. Be sure to send a copy of this email to your colleagues/business associates.

They'll be glad you did.

Again, thanks in advance for your continued support.

Have a nice day,


Friday, 5 July 2013

The Business Cohesion Model

Roger Payne's new book is due for imminent release.

This thought provoking book challenges leaders to think and take action if they are to improve the offering and performance of their organisation... it should be read and acted on by every Chief Executive and their senior leadership teams.

Howard Betts
Centre for Leadership Studies
Exeter University

What is The Business Cohesion Model? It is a concept based on the basic premise that no individual is perfect. Thus, all organisations are made up of imperfect people. The imperfections vary and have different effects on the performance of the business. The aim of The Business Cohesion Model is to minimise these organisational imperfections by aligning people and teams within the brand.

If you agree with the imperfection argument, then you have taken the first step in addressing what is necessary for an organisation to achieve optimum brand performance. Everybody, irrespective of their position or status, has a duty and responsibility to develop, deliver and sustain the brand offering of the business.

The Business Cohesion Model takes you through a sequence of topics, each encouraging you to think about the different issues that face your business. It will challenge and test any preconceived beliefs, values and operational standards, so be prepared, and willing, to follow your instincts as you develop your own ideas and your own Business Cohesion.

The Business Cohesion Model will be available from the 15th July from all good book shops at £19.99.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Pitch Perfect for the Financial Times

Paul Boross has been featured on the front page of the FT's Executive Appointments section, sharing his experience on how to pitch for a senior level appointment...

Friday, 3 May 2013

The Unsticker Hits the Google Play Store

Got a sticky problem? Maybe a dilemma? Feel like you can't do right for doing wrong?

You need The Unsticker!

It's our very first Android app developed for one of our authors, Peter Freeth, who first created this amazing problem solving tool over ten years ago and which we've now brought bang up to date.

We've developed two versions of this app, with very different designs, so if you've got an Android smartphone, why not download both, try them out and let us know which you like the most?




Saturday, 27 April 2013

We're Launching a New App Development Service for Authors

Android and iPhone apps are becoming an everyday part of life for most people these days, with apps to help you catch trains, bake cakes, apply for jobs, convert currencies, play games, read books, control your TV and much more.

Many business authors have books which readily lend themselves to app development, for example creating a particular tool or checklist in a handy electronic format, or enabling a customised communication channel between the author and their readers.

To support this, we've launched an app development service where we'll design, create and publish an app for just £200*

The first app to be launched using our new service is The Unsticker, an interactive problem solving tool first created by Peter Freeth over ten years ago.

* £200 is for Android. iPhone apps require additional setup costs because Apple are greedy.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Genius at Work joins BI Worldwide for Learning at Work Day

This year's Learning at Work Day is on May 23rd and Revelation Consulting Ltd will be supporting the Campaign for Learning's annual celebration of workplace learning by spending the day with BI Worldwide, helping a number of their managers to understand how to use the modelling toolkit from Peter Freeth's book Genius at Work.

Karen Minto, BI Worlwide's Head of HR & Development, said, "I felt the offer was very topical for us as we are in the midst of some real growth in the business and are on course for a stretching set of targets and goals in 2017. Going hand in hand with this, the managers have been so busy managing the work and operational perspectives, the people side may have been overlooked, or not running as efficiently as could be. This is confirmed in some of our Best Companies results we are just starting to review."

Peter Freeth of Revelation says, "All too often, companies look externally for knowledge and skills, bringing in consultants and trainers to provide easy answers. However, the most valuable knowledge of all is already within your business, and it's evolving every day as staff interact with customers, solve problems and make business processes more efficient. Getting access to this tacit knowledge means that the whole business can benefit from this ongoing process of learning that always takes place within any organisation, and the skills to do so can easily be learned so that staff don't just know 'what' to do, they also know 'how' to do it successfully."

Revelation's research over the past twelve years shows that the performance of an individual is the result of a unique combination of their attitude, their practical skills and the culture within which they're operating, so part of the Genius at Work modelling process also involves mapping the organisation's culture so that it enables high performance rather than getting in the way.

"One thing that we have consistently found about high performers is that their results are achieved in a counter-intuitive way. They rarely set out to achieve the result that they are recognised for, and so it's understanding these hidden thought processes that is at the heart of the Genius at Work approach.", adds Peter. "When organisations work so hard to develop intellectual property and business processes, it's absolutely vital to protect and develop that knowledge so that it continues to serve as a valuable asset, supporting current and future staff and helping the business to deliver real value to its customers".

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Pitch Doctor

Paul Boross aka The Pitch Doctor is going to be supplying a series of guest blogs for the Financial Mail Women's Forum on the subject of career development.

Based on his new book, Pitch Up!, the series kicks off with "ten ways to charm your interviewer".

Why not check in and pick up some valuable interview skills?

Friday, 4 January 2013

Nook fails to save Barnes and Noble

Barnes and Noble, America's biggest book retailer, is in trouble with declining sales of both print books and ebooks through its Kindle-clone ebook reader, the Nook.

"Retail sales from the company’s bookstores and its Web site, BN.com, decreased 10.9 percent from the comparable nine-week holiday period a year earlier, to $1.2 billion, the company reported. More worrisome for the long-term future of the company, sales in the Nook unit that includes e-readers, tablets, digital content and accessories decreased 12.6 percent over the same period, to $311 million." (NY Times)

We were very interested to see the Nook being advertised on TV before Christmas, with its differentiator being its unique nightlight feature. Except it's not unique, there's a Kindle with a backlit display too. And a Kobo. And of course, an iPad is nothing but backlit, which would be useful if you could hold the thing up for more than a few minutes at a time.

B&N's Nook has a problem: Amazon's Kindle has been for sale in the UK since 2009. Kindle has a 3 year lead on Nook.

In the UK, you can only buy ebooks for the Nook from WHSmith, however, "Underlying sales at WH Smith have continued to fall in the first 10 weeks of the retailer’s financial year." (FT)

So far, we've seen nothing to slow Amazon's tightening grip on the supply chain...